Ansible secrets: death to Vault, long live Credstash!
I’ve been using Ansible for a while now. It’s a great tool – it’s quick, pretty intuitive and, most importantly, allows you to build up and tear down services on top of a clean slate pretty rapidly.
One thing, however, that I’m not a huge fan of is Ansible Vault. Ansible Vault is used for encrypting files full of variables that you mightn’t want to store in cleartext anywhere – API keys for PagerDuty, SSH keys that you use to pull code from GitHub, or something similar.
While Vault works fine for many use cases, I find it a bit cumbersome to use at times: you’ve got to encrypt entire variable files at once. That includes your unencrypted variables too, unless you store those in separate files. This means that you need to decrypt and re-encrypt every time that you want to change a variable, and makes git diffs obtuse and difficult to parse. For example, instead of seeing:
my_nice_number: 123
actually_a_password_lol: XXXXXXX
+ - 123
- 234
- 345
You see this awful mess:
- 21341203481230498123049128340918234123471234912308471239048729
+ 2123412341234123481293401298340109821340-239841290387419023879
Then I found a pretty handy utility called Credstash. It’s a small utility that retrieves passwords stored in Amazon’s DynamoDB based on user credentials. Basically, certain users/roles are given access to a decryption key in Amazon KMS and Credstash is a nice wrapper which bundles that all together into a nice command-line tool and Python library which encrypts and decrypts passwords for you. In their own words:
CredStash is a very simple, easy to use credential management and distribution system that uses AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for key wrapping and master-key storage, and DynamoDB for credential storage and sharing.
I liked Credstash, so I decided to use it with Ansible. I implemented a pretty basic Ansible lookup plugin for it. With it, and a little bit of set-up, you can dynamically look up secrets via Ansible like this:
- name: "Test credstash lookup plugin -- get the secret password"
debug: msg="Credstash lookup! {{ lookup('credstash', 'my-password') }} "
Or just put it straight in your variables file like before:
my_nice_number: 123
actually_a_password: "{{ lookup('credstash', 'my-password') }} "
- 123
- 234
- 345
Not bad!
I raised a pull request against Ansible adding the functionality and happily, they merged it. Nice! 😎