“Meh, signed certificates, who needs em?”

AWS SNS apparently…


During my VPN project I was using AWS’s Simple Notification Service to notify my endpoints when changes were made to the mesh.

For the world to post to… unless…

An unfortunate consequence of this meant that the endpoints needed HTTPS open to an ever changing list of IP addresses to receive SNS traffic.

We decided a nice way to get around this would be to use HTTP Basic Auth, which is supported by HTTPS subscriptions (only) to SNS.

Upon attempting to subscribe a HTTPS endpoint to an SNS topic in the AWS console, it appeared to just hang, with no confirmation status showing.

CA by some file name…

Further research showed that if you want to use HTTPS subscriptions with SNS, you need a valid SSL certificate signed by one of these CA’s, which are inconveniently displayed in a terrible format, making it super tricky to find any that will be guaranteed to work.

Usually there is a way around this for AWS IP addresses, AWS publish a list of their current IP addresses and ranges in JSON format, however the SNS ones don’t seem to be there at time of writing.

Basic auth won’t work with HTTP subscriptions, so we’ve resorted to a security group based off the IPs in that forum post for now, listening on an obscure port, that will break if AWS ever change the SNS IP ranges…